Last Child in the Woods #SOL17

I’m closing out this Slice of Life Challenge, my first such challenge (sniff!), with a spine poem for #PoetryFriday. It was crafted using some of my favorite professional texts. I’ve included the poem in two forms — the text overlaid on a photo I took of one of my Kindergarten students at our vernal pool, and the original spine poem photo.

Last Child In The WoodsLast child in the woodsNature at your doorstepNaturally curiousAlready readyOn solid groundUniquely humanDoing what scientists doFor the good of the earth and sunT

spine poem

Thanks to all of you for inspiring me with your slices, commenting on my posts, and cheering me on. I’m loving this new-found writerly life and look forward to learning and growing together in this slicing community.

This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. It was my first year slicing, I’m a planner, a grateful slicer, and apparently an early morning slicer, too!

26 thoughts on “Last Child in the Woods #SOL17

  1. I am intrigued by spine poetry and this is one of the best I’ve read so far! The poem itself speaks loudly on its own, but in the context of the picture, its statement is heard loud and clear. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely spine poetry! I actually wrote two this month – one with professional books and one with books from my classroom library. They are so much fun! I love how you put yours with a picture. I might have to play around with that a little. Congratulations on completely your first challenge. It is such an accomplishment. I hope to see you on Tuesdays!


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