Not exactly how I saw it ending #SOLC19

My mindfulness transition couldn’t have gone any better yesterday, or so I thought. We watched Go Noodle’s Tranquil Tuesday FLOW video, From Mindless to Mindful. “Let your attention rest on this moment. On just right now,” the narrator asked of us.

Next, I shared a quick story about a boy in my class two years ago who talked all the way to the vernal pool, the entire time we were there, and all the way back to school. When we debriefed as a class everything we had seen and heard on the walk, he kept saying, “What? Where was that? I didn’t see that! I didn’t hear that!” He hadn’t been present. At the end of the story, one of my current Kindergarteners said, “It’s like he wasn’t even there.” Exactly.

As I began to wrap up the lesson, my principal stopped in during her daily morning rounds. I continued, making the connection to being present during Literacy Workshop, so they’d be focused. I was still speaking in a whisper voice and was down on the rug at eye level. I had them.

Something caught my eye, though. “Johnny? Johnny? Are you OK?”, I asked as I noticed both of his hands pressed firmly over his mouth. Oh no.

And then it happened.


Acting quickly, my principal walkie talkied for the nurse and custodian to come help with the sick child and soiled carpet. I motioned to Johnny for him to stand, and with my hand on his back, guided him into our classroom bathroom where my aide took over. In my brief absence from the group, the principal had gathered everyone in the far corner of the rug, their backs to the action, and was assuring them everything would be OK. As I returned, she handed the reins back over to me.

A hand shot up. Uh oh! Now what? “Mrs. Wyman? I don’t think I’m going to be able to NOT think about that when we go to read now.” Yeah, I didn’t think I’d be able to either. So much for letting your attention rest on this moment. On just right now.


This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. Join us! It’s my third year of slicing in the challenge and I’m looking forward to writing and learning along with all of you.

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11 thoughts on “Not exactly how I saw it ending #SOLC19

  1. Your details and dialogue of your mini-lesson had me. I was ready to go off and read. Then with larger font, you change the mood of the piece. Again, your details and dialogue at the end – so well written! A perfect story showing the ups and downs of teaching!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is in-the-moment-real teaching. No matter the content, if someone throws up, all is lost. I hope you were able to regain some sense of calm and mindfulness.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my word! That is so REAL! And yet it is all part of being present, isn’t it! Sounds like you are doing some really important work with your kiddos! Imagine if every child was nurtured to be more present and mindful-we’d have a very different world in the near future!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh gosh! Such a hard thing to get the kids back from. Love how they’re contemplating the difficulty of staying in the moment and not thinking about puke!


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