Dangerous Day #SOL19

Today is a dangerous day. Not dangerous in the physical sense. Dangerous in that I can tell not a whole lot is going to be accomplished today. How do I know that at 9:30 in the morning? I’ve been down this road before.

It’s day 12 of summer break and I’m home alone. One of my first days to be a.) home, b.) alone, and c.) no major plans. I have a “To Do List” about a mile long, and I’m ticking off those boxes for sure. But the distractions. OH THE DISTRACTIONS!

  • The mail just arrived.
  • The neighbor’s cat is on the prowl again. What for this time?
  • Is that a female Baltimore Oriole? Why is my camera never close at hand when I spot something.
  • What ate my kale yesterday when I wasn’t home?
  • My leg is hurting again. Damn that sciatic nerve!
  • I’m thirsty.
  • Did I cancel the mail yet for our trip?
  • Oh crap! I forgot to send in my teaching license renewal. There goes another $100!
  • That book is due back at the library today. Just a few chapters left. Should I sit and finish it?
  • Should I make strawberry shortcake for the cookout on the 4th or something else?
  • Better not forget to pick up the books my husband ordered at the book shop. They just called a second time.
  • I really should get those iris plants to my sister’s that I divided last week. Didn’t make it over the weekend.
  • How big is our new great nephew now? Must grab a cute outfit for him for Saturday night’s dinner. Can’t believe he’s 6 months and we haven’t met him yet!
  • Wonder what brought the chickadees back all of a sudden? Haven’t seen them for weeks.

And so it will go all day long until my husband returns this evening wondering, “How was your day, sweetie? What happened around here?”

“Oh, not much,” I’ll reply.


Many thanks to the crew at Two Writing Teachers, and the extended SOL community, for giving us the time, space, and encouragement to live the writerly life here each Tuesday and every day in March. Won’t you join us?


8 thoughts on “Dangerous Day #SOL19

  1. I find in the early days of my summer I have trouble focusing. I can wander all over the day just like this. By now, 5 weeks in, I am somewhat in a routine. I am so busy that I don’t know how I find the time to work, actually.


  2. I enjoyed getting a peek at some of your distractions. I treasure summer for the time to have those idle thoughts, act on some of them, and on especially wonderful days, lose sight of the “to do” list entirely and feel just fine about it!


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