Harbingers of Spring #SOL

I am never happier when my local garden center, Mahoney’s, opens for the season. They close temporarily each year just after the winter holidays and then reopen in March. I confess to feeling like a child on Christmas morning as I drive past and see the tulip-emblazoned “WE’RE OPEN!” banner draped over the entrance and billowing in the early spring breeze. It beckons to me to enter for my annual sensory recalibration. After weeks of drowning in dull, drab hues my eyes are treated to a vibrant palette of annuals and perennials. And the scent I have been longing for: mulch.  I adore mulch’s earthy fragrance, not to mention it’s deep, rich brown tones. IMG_5631.JPG

The first flowers I must purchase are pansies. I have always loved pansies, and admire how hearty they are. We still have some chilly nights, and days, this time of year in New England, but these happy faces manage to survive winter’s final frosty blasts.


Daffodils trumpet the arrival of spring, too. Their bright yellow glow never fails to bring a smile to my face. When I was a child, my father read all of A.A. Milne’s work to me, and I remember his poem Daffodowndilly, and our special time together, with great affection.


She wore her yellow sun-bonnet,
She wore her greenest gown;
She turned to the south wind
And curtsied up and down.
She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead.”

                                         — A.A. Milne

(Photo bomb courtesy of Thoreau and the Language of Trees by Richard Higgins. I went to see a talk given by the author at our local bookstore last Thursday night and now I can’t help but examine every tree I pass. Slice coming soon about this!)


Many thanks to Two Writing Teachers for giving us the time, space, and encouragement to live the writerly life each Tuesday.

19 thoughts on “Harbingers of Spring #SOL

  1. Here in northern NJ, the sun is shining and the temps are supposed to edge into the mid 60s. Yes, winter is dead, spring is here. Yeah us.

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  2. Kathy and I love walking around Trail Gardens, a local garden center. This place never closes so there is always something to see every season. Kathy is a pansy person as well. They are one of the first flowers we purchase every year.

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  3. I too anxiously await the opening of our local greenhouse. Your poem speaks the truth and makes me chuckle too, especially the “winter is dead” line. Nothing is better than tulips smiling at the sun.

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  4. I, too, love the earthy smell of mulch! Your excitement for the Spring opening shines through in your slice. I love the Milne poem you shared, too, such wonderful personification.


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