Today I Got My Brain Picked! #SOLC18

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Have you ever read a picture book either as a preview or to kids and thought “This is a lousy book.” Or “Did the author spend any time either talking to a teacher or visiting a classroom?” It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while you stumble upon a meh book that’s just not worth your time. There are just too many good books out there.

Yesterday afternoon I had the unique experience of having my brain picked for a new picture book. Most authors DO care about being interesting and relevant. We just happen to have a children’s author living in the community I teach in. Her children went through our schools and are now one by one leaving the nest, so she’s lost touch personally with the wonderful world of early childhood and elementary school teachers and students. But she cares, so she reached out to pick my brain. I didn’t have her children, but a colleague who did connected us. I wasn’t really sure to expect, but it was a whole lot of fun! She has a great idea for a 100th day of school book, but I warned her she really needs to differentiate her book, because I feel there is a glut of 100th day-themed books already out there. Her idea is so different that I am very excited about it. I can’t reveal any secrets though. I invited her to come back with a draft and share it with my Kindergarten writers. I warned her that they LOVE to give feedback — “glows” and “grows” — so she’s been warned. Stay tuned!


This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. Join us! It’s my second year of Slicing in the challenge. (If you want to take a peek at the Padlet of writing ideas I’ve created, I’m happy to share. Click here! It grows every day.)

9 thoughts on “Today I Got My Brain Picked! #SOLC18

  1. So cool to have this author pick your brain. But I can’t wait to hear about your kindergarteners’ reaction when they hear the draft!


  2. Always good to have a little feedback or “glows and grows” in our work. Audience matters and Ks will certainly be real. What a great opportunity to see the writing process in action. It all starts with an idea.


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