Ode to… #SOLC19

As I stand here in the kitchen,

Doing what I do each and every Sunday,

Preparing for our busy week ahead,

I can’t even imagine life without you.

You are always by my side.

There when I need you.

What a helper you are to me. 



Cleaning up.

Whatever I need, you are always there to support me.

Please don’t ever run out on me.

I can’t live without you,

My dear parchment paper.


This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. Join us! It’s my third year of slicing in the challenge and I’m looking forward to writing and learning along with all of you.

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25 thoughts on “Ode to… #SOLC19

  1. I read your ode and it reminded me how I once needed parchment paper on Sunday and walked to a local store to buy it and then thought that when I was a child the stores were closed on Sundays and parchment paper didn’t even exist in Estonia at that time. I can’t imagine life without it anymore.

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  2. “I can’t live without you,; My dear parchment paper.” – I love it! As I read the poem, I was predicting the final line. It surprised me, but I loved it. Thank you for sharing your poem!

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  3. I was trying to figure out the ending before I got to it, but was not expecting that! I don’t even own parchment paper! Ha! I wrote an ode to my paring knife last year after I threw it away and had to dig through gross stuff to find it! I could not live without that!

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  4. I started using parchment paper about nine years ago as a sub for aluminum foil when I baked cookies. It was a where-has-this-been-all-of-my-life aha-moment. Alas, I can relate to not wanting to run out of it.

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