On the Fourth of July #PoetryFriday

Happy Poetry Friday, everyone! The creative and talented Linda Mitchell is hosting this week’s gathering on her blog, A Word Edgewise. Won’t you join us there? This week Linda is celebrating Tabatha’s Summer Poetry Swap, In One Word poems, and the Fourth of July, of course!

If you are new to Poetry Friday and are ever wondering where to find the weekly host of the roundup, you’ll find a list of hosts and their blog links here.

I, too, am celebrating the poetry swap. This week I received this stunner of a journal/poetry collection made by Linda herself. 

It’s a very cool junk journal made from an old book that she’s painted, decoupaged, added little pockets for poetry, and bits of inspiration here and there. I absolutely love this and can’t wait to let it inspire me!

And onto the Fourth of July. This Fourth has a different feel to it, doesn’t it? A little more mellow, sedate even. No fireworks, no parade, no large gatherings. Today I’m quietly celebrating through poetry. Marilyn Singer graciously granted me permission to share her festive poem, On the Fourth of July, which was featured in The Proper Way to Meet a Hedgehog and Other How-To Poems. I adore this collection selected by the late Paul B. Janeczko and published by Candlewick Press in 2019. Marilyn’s poem has me longing for Fourths gone by. 

On the Fourth of July

Let’s hope one year from now we’ll be able to safely gather to “Oooh!” and perhaps “Ahhhh!” together. 

Many thanks to Linda for hosting this week’s roundup. Be well and have a happy and safe Fourth, friends!







10 thoughts on “On the Fourth of July #PoetryFriday

  1. OH MY, that “junk journal” is amazing! I get so inspired by the creativity of others.
    Yes, this 4th of July definitely has a different feel to it. I’m finding it contemplative and reflective–who are we as America? Who do we want to be?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is one amazing ‘junk journal’ from Linda! And Marilyn Singer’s poem seems to echo a bygone era. I’m looking forward to having something to ooh and aah about as an American and then being in a safe enough space to share it with others. Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  3. Always delightful seeing a Marilyn Singer poem for Poetry Friday, and you know I love the journal from Linda! The fireworks image is beautiful. Nice pick! Thanks, Christie!


  4. Yay! the junk journal looks good on this blog. I look forward to knowing it’s filling up with inspirations. Go, wander, write!


  5. Wow! Linda’s gift is so creative. I’ve made this kind of thing with my students. They are fun to do. Maybe I’ll find some time to play this month. Marilyn Singer is one of my favorite children’s poets. This one is festive and makes me want to see some fireworks. I take it you are not in South Dakota?


  6. Wow! What a gift! I want to learn how to make one of those!

    And as for crowds and fireworks…maybe we can just let those go? Reinvent a NEW way to celebrate once we’ve got something about our nation TO actually celebrate???


  7. Thank you for sharing the gorgeous gift! It will be inspiring to return to again and again. It is a subdued July 4th. Let’s hope for a future when everyone is included and feels they share the holiday.


  8. Linda’s gift is stunning! Having been a lucky recipient myself, I know firsthand how intricate and beautiful her work is. What a fitting home for your poems, Christie! Thanks for sharing Marilyn Singer’s festive and fun poem. It’s so odd to think of crowds these days, isn’t it?


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