Wine’s a liquid, right? #SOLSC #SOL21

This past week, the Science focus in my remote Kindergarten class was on liquids and solids. Under normal circumstances, with students in person, I’d have gathered up lots of samples of each and had my scientists explore their properties together. But this year is different, and so I need to teach differently.

After talking about their properties, watching a video or two, and reading related books on EPIC! together, we started brainstorming liquids we might find in our homes. After hearing the expected dish soap, water, milk, oil, and soda called out, one little boy raised his hand and waited patiently. When called upon he said, “What about wine? Wine’s a liquid, right?” Why yes, indeed it is. So then another student unmuted and called out, “But what about beer? That would be one, too!” Why yes, indeed beer is a liquid as well. This conversation, in front of many hovering parents at home, might I remind you, was getting interesting.

One of their follow up assignments on Seesaw, our learning management system, was to go on liquids and solids hunts in their homes and post a few photos on our weekly Learning Board. Sure enough, this landed in my Seesaw inbox.

Olive oil? Check! Milk? Check! Wine? Check!

Thanks for wondering and wandering a bit with me today. And many thanks to the crew at Two Writing Teachers, and the extended SOL community, for giving us the time, space, and encouragement to live the writerly life here every Tuesday throughout the year and daily during the month of March.

18 thoughts on “Wine’s a liquid, right? #SOLSC #SOL21

  1. This is awesome! I sometimes cringe when I think of what my own children may have shared at school. I remind myself of that when my students “overshare” at school, too.
    Wine is definitely a liquid. (Is cheesecake a non-newtonian fluid? Hm, probably not. But it’s delicious, too!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Adorable. They are observers and they are aware. Now my grandkids might have called out seltzer (not soda, they have never had that). How about maple syrup? I vote for that!!! And a lot of wine every once in a while. So so cute. Having a pre-K granddaughter and watching her remote learning (she’s been at school a lot of the times though, it’s a private Quaker school where her mom teaches) has been quite edifying. The teachers are lovely and kind and do a great job. One thing as a 40 plus year teacher that I have noticed is my grandgirls incredible vocabulary at home. She’s just 5 now. I keep wanting to write down the words she is using for a record and I think that with Zoom there are some kids who don’t have the in class opportunity (and even that may not be like a home environment) for the teacher to notice their vocabulary. And who has time to jot down the words they use while you are trying to teach them in a large group. (And at that age even 10 can be a large group, right?) FYI I have a masters in early childhood though I only taught K and 1st one year each. I find them fascinating. AND I TOTALLY ADMIRE BRILLIANT teachers like you and our mutual friend Heidi Mordhorst…….I don’t think the general public truly understands what a challenge it is to teach Kdg and primary. Bravo to you! Your students are so lucky. And you must have the patience of a saint and the energy of 10 Tom Bradys. Just sayin’

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  3. Hilarious! I would have loved to have heard the audio that accompanied that. I bet it cracked you up! Thanks for sharing a peek into your virtual kindergarten.

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  4. How does that saying go? “If you don’t believe half of what he/she says happens at school, I won’t believe half of what he/she says happens at home,” if I’m not mistaken. On the other hand, though, pictures make a pretty compelling argument! Fun slice–thanks!

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