Summer Dreams #PoetryFriday

Summer break, all 72 days of it, goes by in the blink of an eye. Every year, within days of school finishing up, I try to make a list of all I wish to accomplish. The list is usually made up of a combination of chores and tasks as well as fun to-dos. This year I’m adding some of each to my Summer Bingo card, inspired by my notebooking buddy, Michelle Haseltine.

I used the squares on my personal Summer Bingo card to inspire this list poem, a form teacher-writer participants in my “Playing with Poetry” workshop for Teach Write dabbled with this week. Some of our lists were of a powerful and serious nature, while others were more light-hearted and playful. This time around, mine fell into the latter category.

Summer Dreams

Picnics packed

Hikes taken

Blueberries picked 

Kayaks paddled

Life List birds found

Garden beds planted

Junk purged

Ice cream flavors tried

Books read

Poems written

Friends visited

Family aided


Summer’s gone

— Christie Wyman, 2021 (draft)

Many thanks to this week’s hostess, Margaret, for inviting us to join her on the banks of her beloved bayou for this Poetry Friday. You can find the roundup on her brilliant blog, Reflections on the Teche Thanks for hosting, Margaret, and congratulations to all teacher-poet participants who contributed to Bridge the Distance. I’m looking forward to reading your work when my copy arrives.

9 thoughts on “Summer Dreams #PoetryFriday

  1. Woosh! Just like that! It feels like summer always goes by quickly but this summer especially so. I love this list form and how you played with placement on the page, too.


  2. What a bingo! Even though summer will end in a “whoosh,” look at all those accomplishments! (I hope they are all true!!)


  3. You betcha! That woosh at the end is the clock I work against. This summer I’m trying to just do what I can and not worry about the rest. Nothing like a timer to feed anxiety. I do love all your listings. It looks like you are having a good summer — especially those bird findings!


  4. Christie, I love the bingo three in a row poem shape and all the wonder-filled things in your summer. Kayaking, blueberries, ice cream and poetry. What could be better?


  5. What a fantastic list poem! So many of the lines would be more appropriate for my fall break, as picnics, hikes, and kayaks are all a bit more enjoyable in the cooler months here in the south. Then again, the weather is a bit strange just about everywhere. I hope you have a wonderful break!


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