When Is Your Magic Hour? #SOL17

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Do you have a magic hour? A 60-minute (or even longer) slice of the day that you would not trade for anything? I do! At times it feels terribly indulgent, yet I miss it desperately when life gets in the way. It is early in the morning, usually 6:00-7:00AM on Saturdays and Sundays. That precious time grounds me, and forces me to regroup before the flurry of weekend activity. The rest of humanity either has not risen yet, or they are quietly enjoying their magic hour, too! I often share mine with the birds, a cup of hot coffee, and a book. Now that I am attempting to live a more writerly life, it may begin to include jotting down a few thoughts in my notebook. My husband, who introduced me to the joys of the magic hour, begins his even earlier than mine — 4:30 or 5:00AM. He insists it is when he does his best thinking, writing, and focused reading. He is kind enough to share his extended with me. I can’t wait for tomorrow! Here’s a haiku to get me through until it’s time.

Peaceful calm stillness

Prelude to the day ahead

Everything can wait

This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. Join us! It’s my first time slicing and apparently I’m an “Early Morning Slicer,” too!

7 thoughts on “When Is Your Magic Hour? #SOL17

  1. I wish the early morning was my magic hour. I can’t seem to open my eyes until the sun is over the horizon. I have been practicing the daily habit of keeping an hour to myself for reading and writing. It does create some magic. Thanks for reminding me there are other people out there doing it, too. I’ll keep trying.

    I love your blog image and set up. Which theme on wordpress is it? I have been wanting to use images more with my writing. This set up has amazing power with the way the image sucks you into the text. LOVE IT!


  2. Wonderful slice, and a great reminder to take time for ourselves. I used to have a special time in the morning, but since retirement I have gotten away from it. Your post has inspired me to once again find my magic hour (love that title!)


  3. Your magic hour sounds wonderful, Christie. It is a bit early for me but I have my quiet time to write. This weekend, I will need a good deal of quiet time because I am designing Winter Wonder 17 Gallery. Stay tuned.


  4. I attempt to have a magic hour, some days are more successful than others. Maybe I need to set a weekly goal like you have. That may make me more successful. Thanks for reminding me to take time for me!


  5. That magic hour is so important. We all need it to focus and recharge, Mine is in the morning, but not as early as yours. I like 8:00 – 9:00 – before my wife wakes up.


  6. I think I have magic minutes. I am still learning to slow down. Perhaps someday I’ll turn those magic minutes into a magic hour. Thank you for a delightful post on this late Friday afternoon.


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