Treasure #SOLC18

Michelle over on Literacy Learning Zone shared a great, quick, but thoughtful option for Slicing — Treasure Today. Here’s my take on it.

todayKindergarten students sharing their independent wonders with their classmates during Genius Hour
want to be: curled up with a good book before turning the light off
blessings: a few extra minutes with my husband over breakfast before beginning a busy week
thinking: ideas for a first-ever action research project in my classroom
planning: Slicing ideas that pop into my head at odd moment throughout the day
writing: today’s #TeachWrite’s daily word prompt — SMILE — which brings a smile to my face
loving: watching Kindergarten reading partners sharing whispered conversations over beloved books during Quiet Rest and Reading time after lunch
grateful: for the writing communities of Poetry Friday, Two Writing Teachers, and Teach Write, which nurture my writers soul

and today {again}: I treasure Kindergarteners and honoring their wonders


This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. Join us! It’s my second year of Slicing in the challenge. (If you want to take a peek at the Padlet of writing ideas I’ve created, I’m happy to share. Click here! It grows every day.)

2 thoughts on “Treasure #SOLC18

  1. Lovely slice, Christie! I’ve bookmarked this so I can use this format sometime. And “curled up with a good book before turning the light off” sounds really good.


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