EdCamp Worries #SOLC18

Will I get there this morning OK?

The weather looks good and the roads are clear. And I’ve been there before.

When they scan my ticket, will it work?

It always has. And if it doesn’t, you’ve got the hard copy in your hand, silly.

Can I find a seat near a charger?

It’s at Microsoft, silly. There are outlets EVERYWHERE!

Will anyone talk to me? Will I be brave enough to speak to anyone?

You always find someone to talk to.

Will anyone propose a session that interests me?

They always do?

Will I be brave enough to post a session and get the ball rolling when the time comes?

You did last time. And if the spirit doesn’t move you today, no big deal.

I hope they have pizza!

They always have pizza!

Why am I worried? This is my 3rd EdCamp Boston (4th EdCamp if I count EdCamp Seacoast, which I tried this past fall.)

Because it’s all unplanned and it can go lots of ways. Relax!

I should have this down to a science, but…

To be continued! I better go get ready, or I’ll be late!


This post is part of the annual month-long Slice of Life writing challenge organized by Two Writing Teachers. Join us! It’s my second year of Slicing in the challenge. (If you want to take a peek at the Padlet of writing ideas I’ve created, I’m happy to share. Click here! It grows every day.)

15 thoughts on “EdCamp Worries #SOLC18

  1. Your words conveyed such tension. It is amazing how we worry about so many things.
    So jealous of your day at EdCamp. I selfishly hope you slice about your learning.


  2. I love EdCamps but you captured the anxiety that comes from the unknown. Because of their spontaneity, you can’t predict how the day will go and that can be a bit unsettling. But as you know (since you are a veteran of EdCamps) there is a visceral excitement and freedom in the unexpected and the day is only as good as YOU make it. That’s a little scary, but super empowering. Have a blast! (is there a # to follow?)


  3. Thank you for your honest post! You describe our worries, whether they are rational or not! ‘Will my ticket scan?” YES! I always get nervous about that for no reason! I just know today’s EdCamp will be great! Good for you for putting yourself out there!


  4. So glad I’m not the only one who worries my ticket won’t scan! I would love to go to an EdCamp but haven’t found any near me. Might be a good excuse to travel! I hope you have a wonderful day and learn lots. Also, I loved your format here–the worry line and then the reassurance.


  5. I am having similar worries getting to the SCBWI conference today. I love the structure of this post. Hope you have a great day!


  6. I hope your ticket scanned, your device stayed charged, and your learning was amazing! I am organizing an edCamp for this summer, so I would love to hear how yours went and if you have any suggestions or tips!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I need to look into these EdCamps! Weather was clear in Boston today – hope your day was inspiring and productive. Your questioning structure was effective in conveying your apprehension about the process. I enjoyed the reassuring voice that answered your concerns, albeit with a little sarcasm! Look forward to reading about your adventures in a follow up post!


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