Borrowing a Line from NSN #PoetryFriday

It’s Poetry Friday and Mary Lee Hahn is our hostess this week for the poetry roundup on A Year of Reading. Perhaps you’ll join us? She’s offered up the work of brilliant poet Naomi Shihab Nye as a possible theme for anyone interested. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Poetry Foundation named Ms. Nye their Young People’s Poet Laureate, the first Arab-American to receive this great honor. Huzzah!

After reading this article about Ms. Nye’s appointment in Texas Monthly, one line jumped out at me to be borrowed for a line in a poem — “there’s no place that poetry doesn’t live.” Now that I’m writing regularly in my writing notebook (thank you, Teach Write!), I find myself scribbling down so much that I see, hear, feel, notice, and wonder about. These bits and pieces of seemingly nothing odds and ends continue to amaze me at how they often become something.

There's no place that poetry doesn't live

Thanks for hosting this week, Mary Lee. Bring on the poetry!










12 thoughts on “Borrowing a Line from NSN #PoetryFriday

  1. I love this! You’re right (and so is NSN) – poetry lives everywhere! Thanks for your lovely poem. I must be on summer break, because I’m reading Poetry Friday posts on Thursday! Ruth,


  2. Christie, what a wonderful way to celebrate NSN. I really struggled to write/find something that felt good enough. It has been so fun reading NSN poems, poking through interviews and finding new amazing words of hers. The line you were inspired from is so perfectly NSN and now so perfectly yours. Thank you for sharing.


  3. From all I’ve read, there is a thread that Naomi Nye bringing us together in finding poems in the little things, the things made large by our words and our noticing. This is a lovely way to celebrate her, Christie, crafting that ‘quilt of memories’.


  4. I love that you borrowed a line from NSN, and then built your own version of her truth. I agree about the richness of the writer’s notebook. I need to dive back into a routine with mine!


  5. This bit of noticing fits right along with Naomi’s style of noticing in her poems. The list of amazing things in nature speaks to me. Lovely!


  6. That’s the perfect line to borrow to inspire your own poem. It’s similar to my Nye inspired post today, too. Happy scribbling!


  7. Yes! Poetry is “there all the time.” It’s up to us to pay attention and notice it. I love that you began with “robin’s dawn chorale.” We were on the same wavelength today!


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