From the heart #SOL19

“Mrs. Wyman? I love you.”

Well that’s not something I hear every year on the first day of school! But it came from the heart of one very excited Kindergartener today during her one hour visit with her parents. She could have stayed all day if we let her, but that will come next Monday, when we shift to full day after three half days that begin tomorrow. 

I hope she continues to love everything about school. Chances are she won’t love everything. Who does? But I don’t know. Something tells me she will. There was something different about the look on her face

when she entered my classroom

when I shook her hand

when she found her cubby

when she peered out our observation window at the bird feeders and the woods beyond

when she met some new friends at the coloring table

when we gathered on the rug to sing and read a story

when we boarded the bus for the kids- and teachers-only ride around the block

I can hardly wait to give her the writing notebook wrapped up in tissue paper and a sparkly bow. Her first writing notebook, perhaps.

I hope she loves everything about school, and that comes right from the heart.


Many thanks to the crew at Two Writing Teachers, and the extended SOL community, for giving us the time, space, and encouragement to live the writerly life here each Tuesday and every day in March. Won’t you join us?


6 thoughts on “From the heart #SOL19

  1. From what you described, I can see why this little lady already loves you. Sounds to me like you’ve created the perfect environment for your little people to develop a love of education. Have a great year!


  2. I love this, Christie! I am sure she is going to have a wonderful year. By the way, you and Michelle have inspired me. Next year, I am going to present my kiddos with a wrapped notebook. What a powerful gift and message!


  3. Christie, your heart must have been singing when you heard that sweet thought from the little kinder. I like how you get your kinders ready for a full day of school. The pattern your school district established to acclimate the Kinders is a gentle pattern. I like it.


  4. Online there are never any sort of waiting periods, a minimum of not ones that last more than a couple minutes. In case you are not familiar, which is the centre part of the chip. I’m a bit biased given that I’m a big William H.


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