Friends Old and New #PoetryFriday

It’s Poetry Friday and Rebecca Herzog is our hostess this week for the poetry roundup on her blog, Sloth Reads. Perhaps you’ll join us?

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Thursday evening, while attending NCTE in Baltimore, a representative group of the Poetry Friday family gathered together in celebration of friendship and in honor of a rare treat of a visit from our very own visiting Aussie, Kat Apel. Thanks for organizing, Laura Shovan!

friends old and new

There is a food poem challenge in the offing, but I’m too tired to compose so you can read How to Make a Crab Cake by January Gill O’Neil here. Mine were delicious!

Thanks for hosting this week, Rebecca, and I look forward to seeing even more of the PF family IRL at NCTE in the next day or so! I’ll be presenting Friday afternoon about writing poetry from images along with Laura Purdie Salas and a team assembled by Wonderopolis. Come say hello!



14 thoughts on “Friends Old and New #PoetryFriday

  1. So lovely to see you all together – though, as maybe your second or third favourite Aussie, I’m a tad jealous, lol. Kat is so very lucky to meet you all – and you are equally lucky to have her there! She’s a star!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful to meet you! Really great group of people! Loved “How to Make a Crab Cake” — I was especially struck by “for this is how the body learns to be generous,
    to forgive the flaws inherited
    and enjoy what lies ahead.”

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  3. That poetry thread displays a quiet strength stretching across land and sea Christie. How great is that gathering? – and also great to see a fellow Aussie among you. Now I’m envious. A special moment for all of you, no doubt. NCTE in Baltimore brings other memories as well. I worked in Baltimore schools across an entire year while based in NYC.

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  4. So fun! Thanks for sharing this picture of people I feel I know, even though I’ve actually only met a couple of them IRL! Ruth,


  5. Oh, what a wonderful night (and time) that was, Christie. I am so thankful for Irene and Laura, who enabled me to meet up with all of you. They are moments I will cherish forever! That single poetic thread is so strong – even across the ocean. Hugs!

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