footprints and shadows #PoetryFriday #natember #haikuforhope #haikuforhealing #haikuforkindness

It’s Poetry Friday and Elizabeth Steinglass is our hostess this week for the poetry roundup on her blog. I hope to see you there! Elizabeth shares a lovely poem about her favorite word, and. What would we do without it? No Frog and Toad, Burt and Ernie, peanut butter and jelly, or Elephant and Piggie! How sad!

My haiku this week was inspired by my first snowshoeing session of the season.

Afternoon shadows (1).png

As we worked our way around the local golf course Sunday afternoon, we marveled at the number of visitors who had left their imprints before us.

Thanks for hosting this week, Elizabeth. Now let’s bring on the poetry!



13 thoughts on “footprints and shadows #PoetryFriday #natember #haikuforhope #haikuforhealing #haikuforkindness

  1. At least cold winter gives us a canvas. I still try to get one snow angel in each winter! I love the “s” ending sounds.


  2. Thanks for sharing your wintry words and photo. I love enjoying winter from a distance! Ruth,


  3. Was one of your visitors a fox? Did the fox get to be in a poem? I found that video on Facebook to be priceless. The conversation from the kids was a poem. Your snow looks lovely. I love “blank canvas.”


  4. I am SO ready for some snow. You’ve captured what I love the most — the clean blankness, the mysterious markings, and the blue shadows!


  5. I loved the video of the fox visiting your classroom. What a great moment for you and your students! There’s nothing better than that winter blank canvas! Wonderful that you shared it with us. Thank you!


  6. I remember first reading about your snowshoes session and being delighted by the prospect. With light snowfall in my recent memories, I find it even more joyful! Love the idea – and your poetic observation.


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