Take Flight! #SOLSC #SOL21

Guess what? Tomorrow is Thursday, April 1st! As the 2021 SOLC comes to an end, National Poetry Month begins and that means another daily writing and sharing challenge for me. I know it seems like a lot to commit to another daily writing commitment, but as a teacher of writers, I look at it as just a genre shift. This time it will be a poem a day.

But what will my theme be this year? Three years ago, my first year participating, it was all things vernal pool-related. The next year, I teamed up with several Poetry Friday pals and we used “Playing with Poetry” as our theme, using tools such as Haiku and Metaphor Dice, magnetic poetry, paint color names, and nail polish colors for inspiration. Last year my theme was Thoreauly Inspired.  Each day during the month of April, I wrote a poem inspired by a word or phrase mined from the pages of Henry David Thoreau’s jewel-laden journals. Onto this year. I love birds. No, let me rephrase that. I’m obsessed with birds, so bird-related poems it will be — feathers, nests, eggs, wings, calls and songs…

Thanks for wondering and wandering a bit with me today and every day this month. A huge thank you to the crew at Two Writing Teachers, and the extended SOL community, for giving us the time, space, and encouragement to live the writerly life here every day during March and each Tuesday throughout the year! Many thanks to all the Slicers who stopped to read and “like” or comment on my stories. I have so enjoyed yours! Some of you I will see tomorrow for the launch of #NationalPoetryMonth and my #AvianAllusions daily poem project, and for the rest of you, I hope to see you back here in a week. Be safe. Be well.

7 thoughts on “Take Flight! #SOLSC #SOL21

  1. You are definitely living a writerly life!! As I type this a bird is chirping outside! I love your hashtag and I wish you another great month of writing as a poet! I do think your focus on all-things avian will serve you well. Such a great animal!


  2. I love your theme for April. Check out This Photo Wants to be a Poem today at my blog. There’s a bluebird with an attitude there asking to be written about.


  3. I love birds and bird imagery as well! I can’t wait to partake in some of your poems. I won’t be committing to a full month, but I definitely can’t resist the siren song of poetry, so I’ll be sprinkling some in throughout the course of the month as well — even giving Poetry Friday a try.

    Thanks for sharing and having me along!


  4. I desperately want to challenge myself to join poetry month, but I just cannot decide on what type of project to commit to?! I’m looking forward to reading your poems this month!


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