Bluebirds and Let’s Go For A Walk #NationalPoetryMonth #NaPoWriMo #PoetryFriday

Happy Poetry Friday and National Poetry Month! Many thanks to Tabatha Yeatts for hosting our weekly get together today over at The Opposite of Indifference. She’s celebrating the release of IMPERFECT:  poems about mistakes: an anthology for middle schoolers. Thinking back on the hairdo (hairdon’t, really!) I had in middle school, that is THE time to be imperfect in your life. It’s all good!

Let’s kick things off with a bit of haiku inspired by a sweet bluebird who appeared during my well-filling walk Wednesday morning.

tiny bluebird
tiny bluebird you can’t hide/blue wave lengths of light/reveal your flight plan

Isn’t he sweet? We played a little hide and seek (or was it cat and mouse?) for a bit. What a joy! And I think it’s fascinating that blue feathers aren’t actually blue at all. Click here for the science behind that factoid!


This month I am tagging along with poet/author Amy Ludwig VanDerwater during what has become her annual NPM Project. You can click here to learn more about this straight from Amy! This year she is writing and sharing a new poem every day, each highlighting a different poetic technique, but keeping the same subject. Her challenge, 1 Subject 30 Ways, is also a bit of an informal book study and master class, as she’s using her fall 2017 release Poems Are Teachers (Heinemann) as her guide. Join us!

Today’s poetic technique chosen by Amy is a back and forth structure. My subject is, and will be all month-long, vernal pools. In the beginning of the month, I collected ideas from my Kindergarten students, vernal pool experts, for my writing. One of the conversations had been about what they thought the animals in the forest thought of our visits and what they might be thinking and possibly saying to us as we approach them at the vernal pool.

From these ideas, scribbled in my notebook, came today’s poem. It follows the back and forth structure and features comments and thoughts from both my Kindergarten scientists and the creatures we like to visit. Sometimes the animals respond, sometimes their comments are independent. It ends with a joint Earth Day-ish message for all.

Let's go for a walk (1)

I hope you’ve been following along the journey of the 2018 KidLitosphere Progressive Poem, a fun annual collaborative project lovingly begun in 2012 by poet/author Irene Latham. This poem has magically, and quite literally this year, been growing right before our eyes daily during the month of April. This year we are following along the journey of Jasmine, a seed, and her companions Moon and Owl. Jasmine, from a long line of poet’s jasmine, began is beginning to make her way in the world and find her poetic voice. The process has been fascinating to follow and I was excited to dive in for the first time with line eighteen. I hope you will follow Jasmine’s journey for the remainder of our Progressive Poem month by clicking on the blogs in the list below.  I can’t wait to hear what she says!


2 Jane at Raincity Librarian
4 Michelle at Today’s Little Ditty
Jan at bookseedstudio
6 Irene at Live Your Poem
7 Linda at TeacherDance
Janet F. at Live Your Poem
11 Brenda at Friendly Fairy Tales
12 Carol at Beyond LiteracyLink
13 Linda at A Word Edgewise
15 Donna at Mainely Write
16 Sarah at Sarah Grace Tuttle
18 Christie at Wondering and Wandering
19 Michelle at Michelle Kogan
20 Linda at Write Time
23 Amy at The Poem Farm
24 Mary Lee at A Year of Reading
26 Renee at No Water River
27 Buffy at Buffy’s Blog
28 Kat at Kat’s Whiskers
29 April at Teaching Authors
30 Doraine at Dori Reads


This post is part of my personal National Poetry Month celebration. I hope you’ll join me in sharing your favorite poetic gems throughout the month of April whether they are written by you, your students, or another poet.

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24 thoughts on “Bluebirds and Let’s Go For A Walk #NationalPoetryMonth #NaPoWriMo #PoetryFriday

  1. I have a bluebird house but haven’t had any takers yet. They are so lovely. Your poem invites me in. I am also following Amy this month, but my poems are staying in draft for the most part. I did enjoy this structure today. Consider joining my gathering and photo-poetry exchange. Check out the invitation on my blog. I hope you will participate.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I haven’t seen any bluebirds yet this year, so I appreciate you sharing yours! Your poetic conversation between your students and the critters in the vernal pool is so fun. I love that you included that important final line!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love that bluebird picture, that “flash of blue” too and your ‘back & forth’ poem after Amy’s lesson. That frog needs to be heard!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your back and forth poem. I’ve gotten a day or two behind with Amy’s challenge, but I’m looking forward to trying out this technique.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great poem! It’s a conversation and a call and response and the sound of children and birdsong and the earth all in one. There’s such a happiness in it despite the cautionary last line. I love how you are progressing through NPM. Well done, friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am following Amy this month also… taking notes and writing some rough drafts. I love your back and forth using the voices of your students and the vernal pond dwellers. Your last line is spot on!

    Liked by 1 person

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