Do you think we should put aside some supplies? #SOL20 #SOLSC20

I’d been thinking about it for a few days, but I still wasn’t brave enough to ask my husband. I wouldn’t say I’m a “Nervous Nellie,” but I definitely take the scouting motto, “Be prepared,” to heart.

If bad weather is predicted, I’m ready. If high winds are happening, as they just were last week, the flashlights and candles are close at hand. If a blizzard is coming, I’ve got Kraft Mac and Cheese, Twizzlers, and microwave popcorn stashed away like a squirrel with acorns in the fall. If a two-week quarantine due to the Coronavirus happens, I want to be ready.

So on Friday afternoon, when I got home after school, I took a deep breath, counted to three, and then went for it. “Do you think we should put aside some supplies? You know. Just in case?” I held my breath and waited for his response. Would he laugh? Would he dismiss my concern? To my surprise, and delight, his reply was, “I was thinking the same thing today. I think that’s a really good idea. Just in case.” Phew!

I’ve listened to a few informational podcasts, like this one on Life Kit from NPR and essentially what’s been recommended is to prepare as you would for any weather-related emergency, but the difference is that you’ll still have power and heat. When I did our weekly shop on Saturday afternoon, it sure looked like other folks had the same plan. By the time I got to Trader Joe’s around 3:00 pm, there wasn’t a box of pasta to be found and the frozen food section looked pretty picked over. I confess this made me a tad nervous, as I thought I was ahead of the game and it appeared I was not! I still managed to find plenty of canned goods and frozen food elsewhere, so I think we are all set. Our goal is 14 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners at the ready. And don’t forget the Twizzlers! If I’m going to be stuck at home for two weeks, I need Twizzlers to see me through!


Thanks for wondering and wandering a bit with me today. Many thanks to the crew at Two Writing Teachers, and the extended SOL community, for giving us the time, space, and encouragement to live the writerly life here every Tuesday throughout the year and daily during the month of March.



11 thoughts on “Do you think we should put aside some supplies? #SOL20 #SOLSC20

  1. My husband thought I was losing it when I told him to buy TP, tuna fish, and bottled water at the store yesterday. He did. However, we will be woefully unprepared if there’s a real problem since we haven’t stocked up on dry goods. If I weren’t laid up in bed, I’d do it myself.
    Not sure what the right answer is. But 14 days of meals seems wise!


  2. I’ll be honest, I never even thought about putting away extra food/supplies! I am more of a “last minute” planner, honestly. Thanks for the idea!


  3. Your post is timely. I am on the continent of Africa and I have been thinking the same. We are preparing at school, but even though I have talked about it, I have done nothing to prepare at home. Thanks for the hint. It is interesting how he ‘was thinking the about the same thing.’.


  4. I know. It is crazy to think about this, and wonder… What ifs? Should we be prepared for it in case, and for how long? I am so NOT a planner, and in all honesty, I don’t know what we would actually do if we had to go 14 days without leaving the house! Hmm..I might want to think about just getting a bit extra at the grocery store this week.


  5. Found out the guidance counselor at our school is on a 2 week self-quarantine. Her boyfriend (she lives with) was sent back from work in Japan and asked to quarantine for 14 days. He was in an infected area. Made me think today, “would I be ready for 2 weeks?” Too bad Trader Joe’s is so far, I’ll have to hit up my regular grocery store.

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  6. I hadn’t really thought about this until I read your post, but I think that it’s better to be prepared than to end up in a situation where you don’t have the supplies that you need (and want). I’ve started making a list and think that I’ll be preparing more now.

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  7. I bought extra tissues, Clorox wipes, Advil and Tylenol. As I was cleaning out the linen closet, I found our Y2K kit- complete with a transistor radio and water purification tablets!

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