Science Tools #PoetryFriday

While I am teaching Kindergarten remotely this year — ZOOM-ing and Seesaw-ing my heart out — I was determined to keep up the “Poem of the Week” routine that I’ve found a powerful teaching tool for so many years. Since September, we begin each week with a new poem that is often related to our current curricular focus. The poems are always brief, easy to learn, and, from time to time, written by me. My students love when I write poems just for them, and I think that it sends a powerful message that I live the writerly life I am encouraging them to have, too. They always pepper me with questions about the process.

This week’s Science focus is on the tools that scientists use. My students have been outfitted with their own hand lenses, rulers, and thermometers. They have also built their own rain and wind gauges during STEM challenges this winter. They’ve learned first-hand how important tools are to any scientists for collecting and interpreting data, as well as making observations. Science Tools came to me as I was preparing curricular plans for the week.

Here are just two of their artistic responses, the first a ruler and the second hip waders — an essential “tool” worn by our Biologist-in-Residence, Emilie, as she explores our campus vernal pool. With every poem, we take the time to think through the images or even “the movie” that comes into our heads. It’s fun to hear them share on ZOOM what they imagine and see them begin to expand their thinking.

Many thanks to this week’s hostess, Molly Hogan, for inviting us to join her on this Poetry Friday. You can find the roundup on her blog, Nix the Comfort Zone.

22 thoughts on “Science Tools #PoetryFriday

  1. I love science learning alongside littles (for 45 minutes or so, then I’m out of there)–it’s so cool to explore their thinking! Thanks for a great little poem and for sharing your student responses.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “The approximately 118 acres, includes farmhouses, 19th century summer estate buildings, and turn of the century residences set within a significant horticultural vista of farm fields, woodlands, orchards, wetlands, and landscaped gardens.”

        No. I’m not jealous. Wow–this looks fantastic!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love science and writing. For years, I’ve been advocating for the end of a siloed approach to education. Writing fits with any subject, just as you’ve shown here. Thank you for sharing your process and the students’ creations. I love it! And, I am so glad you didn’t give it up this year! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This post excites me! I love seeing how science in action sparks artistic response. The world is a much better place with your teaching. Thank you for sharing the poem and the responses. Somehow, I feel I need to purchase hip waders.

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  4. How wonderful that you and your class are doing such marvelous things together, even on Zoom! I imagine the students will love this poem (or already have). Thanks for sharing the pictures, too, super learning there.

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  5. Wow, Christie! It’s so impressive to see how you are impacting your students in such fabulous ways. The irony that you’re teaching them to love and explore their natural world by using technology to reach them isn’t lost on me. Love your poem and your commitment to your students, poetry and our planet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s absolute torture, Molly, being indoors “with” them all year! I did manage to do safe meetups with a few kids at a time to walk them out to our vernal pool this fall before things got really bad. We are finding ways to film seasonal walks out to the vernal pool, using our school wildlife cams, etc… It’s forcing me to be creative and use learn how technology can be my friend!


  6. Christie, I just love reading about how you and your Kinders are getting along remotely but so thrillingly! (I’m wondering how they get their poem response papers.) Your tool poem is so simple but reminds that tools are just extensions of our senses. Great post!

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