Turkey Soup, Kinder Poets, and TLD #PoetryFriday

It’s Poetry Friday and Bridget Magee is our hostess this week for the poetry roundup on her blog, wee words for wee ones. Perhaps you’ll join us?

carcass simmering .png


The most heavenly aroma is wafting through our home this morning, as the carcass from yesterday’s Thanksgiving meal simmers in a pot of broth, onions, carrots, and celery. This is a welcome scent, as my poor husband has been down with the flu and pneumonia since my return from NCTE. While he had to miss our family’s festive gathering yesterday, the healing vapors from our stockpot are helping him to feel he hasn’t missed out entirely. He usually cooks the bird in our home, and then we bring it to my parent’s home just a few minutes down the road. Not this year.

thankful I am feeling thankful for so much this year. My Kindergarten poets asked if we could write a group poem about being thankful together. My answer? Of course! Here is our sloppy copy. We will work on editing it together next week, and I will wave my magic poetry midwifery wand around a wee bit.

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I am also feeling incredibly thankful for Michelle Heidenrich Barnes and her wonderful team of poetry reviewers at Today’s Little Ditty. My copy of The Best of Today’s Little Ditty 2017-2018 was waiting for me when I returned from NCTE, and I was thrilled my little hummingbird tanka was selected for inclusion in the Window Poems category.


I have been working my way through the book, reading each challenge, and marvelling at everyone’s work. Have you ordered your copy yet? It’s the perfect Black Friday or Small Business Saturday purchase! I will be certain to make taking up the Ditty of the Month Club challenges part of my regular routine. How about you?

Thanks for hosting this week, Bridget. So nice to “meet” you! Now bring on the poetry with a slice of pumpkin pie on the side!



13 thoughts on “Turkey Soup, Kinder Poets, and TLD #PoetryFriday

  1. Thank you for sharing Volume 3 today, Christie! How I love that thankfulness is being recognized and celebrated in your kindy classroom. Thank you for planting those poetry seeds. One day they will grow into colorful blooms to attract even more little hummingbird poems… and honeybee poems… and butterfly poems… and the world will be a much happier place. 🙂 In the meantime, enjoy that soup!


  2. Christie, so sorry your husband is that sick! May turkey soup cure all. I love the abrupt nonappearance of the hummingbird in your poem and I’m looking forward to receiving my copy. It was so great to spend time with you last week!


  3. Late posting, so wishing the magic of turkey soup to help your husband start recovering, Christie. I love the hope of the last line of your poem, no giving up for the sighting, yet! I am loving reading through everyone’s poems, a treasure from so many!


  4. Your post offers a feast as generous as that on many Thanksgiving tables this past week. I enjoyed each entree! Delicious! (As a vegetarian, virtual turkey soup is a real treat! lol) Hope your husband is on the road to recovery!


  5. I am literally simmering our turkey carcass as I write my comment, Christie! Since my Thanksgiving came late (Saturday) we are preparing our turkey soup for Sunday night dinner! Worlds apart, similar experience: the power of the Poetry Friday community. And I’m thankful to being sharing the TLD anthology pages with a poet like you as well. Hope your husband is feeling better soon. =)


  6. I hope your husband is feeling better. There is nothing better than a pot of soup made with homemade broth–it’s a magic pot that transforms leftovers into something delicious. Congratulations on your tanka being included. I’m enjoying all the challenges and poems in this collection.


  7. What a lovely Tanka and congratulations that’s it in Today’s Little Ditty. I love hummingbirds. I was in Burbank, California recently at my sister’s and was envious that she had more hummingbird visits than I do in New York State in the summer. Every day on her porch I saw one!

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